On Bridging Narrative Gaps

#story structure Oct 22, 2023

Hey, Writer! Do you ever find yourself stranded in the wasteland of Writer's Block, your characters awaiting your divine intervention like lost pilgrims? We've all been there, staring at that blinking cursor on a blank page, wondering what on Earth should happen next. But what if I told you that the solution might already exist in the form of time-tested story structures? Intrigued? Let's dig in.

The Comfort of Known Structures

When you're navigating the labyrinth of storytelling, sometimes it helps to have a map. And that's precisely what established story structures offer—a layout of the twists and turns that have captivated readers for ages. Think of story structures that you already know; these are not just random configurations; they are the DNA of countless compelling stories. They tap into the emotional and logical flow that readers unconsciously expect.

The Gap of Uncertainty

Now, let's talk about that unnerving stretch of uncertainty where your story seems to lose its way. You know the beginning, and you might even know the end, but the middle is this amorphous fog. Welcome to the Gap. It's where many writers falter, but it's also where established structures can serve as your North Star.

How to Use Story Structures for Filling the Gap

  1. Identify the Next Logical Step: If you're following an established structure, and your hero has just refused the call to action, then it might be time for a mentor to step in. Use the elements of the structure to guide you through the fog.
  2. Thematic Cohesion: Sometimes the gap occurs because you're not sure how to maintain thematic consistency. Story structures can remind you of the central conflicts or themes that need to be explored at various stages.
  3. Avoid Plot Holes: These structures often come with key decisions or confrontations built in. Utilizing them helps to make sure that essential elements are not forgotten, thereby avoiding plot holes that you'll have to patch up later.
  4. Pacing: One of the underrated benefits of using a tried-and-true structure is pacing. You'll have a better sense of when to introduce major plot points, which can be a lifesaver when you're stuck.

The Power of Flexibility

Now, a quick caveat: these structures are guidelines, not commandments etched in stone. You don’t need 17 chapters of a story, but if you need to vary how your hero goes on her journey, so be it. The idea isn't to constrain your creativity but to give it a form that is inherently satisfying to the reader.

Your Roadmap Awaits

So, the next time you find yourself in the quagmire of indecision, don't panic. Reach for one of these venerable story structures. Consider it a bridge over troubled waters, guiding you from the land of uncertainty to the realm of endless possibilities.

Because, let’s face it, sometimes we all need a little push or, better yet, a roadmap. What these structures offer is a formula that's been polished, dissected, and revered. And it’s all there to help you get from Point A to Point B when the path is not clear.

If you'd like to learn more about story structure, and you'd like to write a novel at the same time, we offer N90 Novel Roadmap. Write a novel in 90 days, learn great writing habits, and gain a solid understanding of story structure. Check it out here: N90 Novel Roadmap

Go forth, brave writers, and may your narrative gaps be few and far between! Remember, you're not just filling pages; you're crafting worlds, one structured step at a time.

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