On Creating Compelling Conflict

# conflict May 03, 2024

In the tapestry of storytelling, conflict is the thread that weaves through every compelling narrative, pulling readers along a journey of tension, challenges, and transformative resolutions. Crafting genuine conflict is not just about pitting good against evil or protagonist against antagonist; it’s about creating a dynamic, evolving landscape of challenges that resonate with readers and give depth to your characters.

  1. Understanding the Nature of Conflict

Conflict in literature is the engine of change. It drives the plot and develops characters, but most importantly, it engages readers, making them invest emotionally in the outcome of the story.

  • Types of Conflict: Conflict can be internal (man vs. self), external (man vs. man, man vs. nature, man vs. society), or even philosophical (man vs. fate). Each type of conflict offers unique opportunities to explore different facets of your characters and themes.
  • Sources of Conflict: Conflict arises from opposing forces. These can be desires, needs, duties, or secrets. Understanding what your characters want, both openly and subconsciously, can help you craft more nuanced conflicts.
  1. Building Tension Through Structure

The structure of your novel should scaffold the development of conflict and tension. Pacing is crucial here; not every page needs to be a high-octane clash, but a steady build-up of challenges and setbacks keeps readers turning pages.

  • Rising Action: After establishing the stakes and the initial conflict, escalate the problems. Each chapter should raise the stakes or present a new dimension to the conflict, compounding the tension and uncertainty.
  • Climax and Resolution: The climax is the turning point. It’s the moment of highest tension, where the conflict reaches its peak. Following this, the resolution should not only resolve the main conflict but also tie up loose ends, leaving readers satisfied yet reflective.
  1. Crafting Multi-dimensional Characters

Characters are at the heart of conflict. Their desires, fears, and secrets are what propel the conflict forward and make it deeply personal and relatable.

  • Flawed Characters: Perfect characters are unrelatable and uninteresting. Characters with flaws, conflicting desires, or painful pasts are more likely to engage in meaningful conflicts.
  • Relationship Dynamics: Relationships are fertile ground for conflict. Consider how relationships evolve in response to the unfolding plot and how these changes in turn affect the conflict.
  1. Using Conflict to Explore Themes

Conflict is not just about action; it’s a tool to explore deeper themes and messages within your story.

  • Moral Dilemmas: Present your characters with choices that have no clear right or wrong answers but instead challenge their values and beliefs.
  • Symbolic Conflicts: Use conflicts that symbolize larger themes or societal issues, making your story a mirror to reality, thus deepening the reader's engagement and reflection.
  1. Avoiding Common Pitfalls

While crafting conflict, beware of common pitfalls that can undermine the tension.

  • Forced Conflicts: Avoid conflicts that feel contrived or unnatural. Every conflict should flow logically from the characters’ motivations and the established world.
  • Overloading: Too much conflict can exhaust readers. Balance high-tension scenes with moments of reflection or quiet to maintain pacing and give readers time to digest the stakes.


The art of creating conflict and tension in your novel is a balance of structure, character development, and thematic depth. By understanding the various forms and functions of conflict, you can craft a story that not only entertains but also resonates deeply with your readers, giving them a journey they feel compelled to follow to its resolution. Remember, the heart of conflict is change, and change is the essence of a great story.

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