On Story Structure

#story structure Aug 31, 2023

 In the vast expanse of literary creation, writing a novel is akin to constructing a grand edifice. The bricks and mortar of storytelling, while potentially varied, are grounded in a foundation known as story structure. As we journey through the process of writing our tales, understanding this framework is imperative. Let's uncover the magic beneath the pages.

  1. The Embryonic Beginnings

Every great tale embarks from a pivotal starting point, often introducing a world in balance. This equilibrium, however, is ephemeral. An event, a twist, a particular inciting incident jolts our characters from their familiar setting. From the most complex plots to the simple tales of love and loss, it’s the beginning that sets the stage.

  1. Navigating the Middle Ground

Once our story is set in motion, we plunge into the heart of our narrative. This middle, often the most expansive section, is a dance of challenges, growth, and emotions. Remember Aristotle's Ethos and Pathos? This is where they shine. Characters confront dilemmas, form alliances, and journey both physically and emotionally. Like the undulating waves of the sea, the middle sees highs of victory and lows of defeat.

  1. The Climactic Crescendo

As our narrative arcs towards its zenith, tensions escalate, stakes rise, and conflicts intensify. This crescendo is not just about the external world, but the internal realms of our characters. Their growth, values, and transformations come to the fore. This is the juncture where our subconscious drafting breathes life into the story, ensuring that the climax isn’t just an event, but an emotional revelation.

  1. Returning Home: The Resolution

After the turbulence of the climax, we navigate the resolution's calm waters. A return to equilibrium, albeit a transformed one. Characters find closure, mysteries unravel, and the world settles into a new norm. Whether it's a bittersweet ending or a joyous celebration, it's the resolution that leaves a lingering aftertaste, prompting introspection and reflection.

In the tapestry of novel-writing, understanding the skeletal structure is paramount. While creativity knows no bounds, a robust structure serves as the anchor, grounding our flights of fancy. Whether penning a complex epic or a concise novella, remember: it's this structure, interspersed with creativity, emotion, and authenticity, that turns words into timeless tales.

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