On Understanding Metaphor

#metaphor Oct 01, 2023

On Understanding Metaphor

Hey Writer! If you’ve been in any English comp class, you’ve probably had the metaphor/simile lesson. For many students, that may be the end of learning about metaphors. You may know that metaphors are plenty and all the stories we consume are rich with them. Let’s take a moment to discover a tactic that can help us better understand and use metaphor. Try the activity below. Write a short story in which your inspiration begins with a metaphor. Let’s jump into the transformative experience of crafting stories around metaphorical frameworks.

Why Metaphors and Allusions?

In the tapestry of narrative writing, metaphors and allusions serve as intricate threads that add texture and depth. They go beyond mere storytelling tools; they are the layers that make the reader stop and think, "Ah, there’s more to this!" The potency of these literary devices can greatly enhance the value of your narrative, and a short story offers a concentrated space to practice this skill.

The Exercise: An Allusive Short Story

Step 1: Choose Your Metaphor or Allusion

The first step involves selecting a metaphor or allusion you'd like to explore. Whether it's an age-old myth, a line from a beloved poem, or an original metaphor like 'life as a maze,' ensure it has enough substance to develop into a narrative.

Step 2: Plot Your Path

Plotting in a short story is like navigating a narrow path; you've got to be concise. Lay out how your chosen metaphor or allusion will evolve throughout the narrative. Will it unveil itself gradually, or will it be the final revelation? Plan this ahead. Do you plan to mirror an old myth, or will it be more subtle?

Step 3: Develop Characters and Settings

Consider your characters as part of the metaphor, not just the plot and the interaction. If your metaphor is the pain of love lost, as in Orpheus and Euridice, maybe one of your characters is a famous musician. Plan your characters around the metaphor as much as you plan the plot points around it. Characters should be believable, and settings must provide a backdrop that complements your metaphor.

Step 4: Write Your Take on the Metaphor

With your plot points planned and your characters ready, allow your writing to take place. The experiences of your characters will now tell a story that is deeper than meets the eye. Keep the metaphor toward the front of your intentions as you write, and see what you produce.

The Payoff: Mastery Over Metaphor

Writing a short story based on a metaphor or allusion can be an enlightening process. It makes you think critically about how metaphors can be fleshed out, how they can influence characters' decisions, and how they can affect the unfolding of events. It’s like a rehearsal for a more expansive narrative, teaching you how to weave metaphorical threads with finesse.

I often talk about pushing boundaries and venturing into new terrains of storytelling. This exercise does precisely that. It challenges you to think beyond the literal, to dabble in the abstract, and to venture into the nuanced art of implication and suggestion. By doing so, you're not just telling a story; you're offering an experience, a piece of wisdom, or a moment of revelation.

So, pick up that pen, engage your imagination, and let's journey into the world of metaphor-rich short stories. It’s a creative challenge, a skill-builder, and most of all, a deeply rewarding writing experience. Like I always say, the limits on your creativity are only those you impose on yourself. Here's your chance to break free. Happy writing!

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